I have thought long and hard how I should do my first ever blog on my new website. 48 years old, new website, what’s a blog? (google research)
My first thought was to talk about myself and my business, to endeavour to gain exposure and increase my customer base.
Then I started thinking, always dangerous with a nice bottle of red.
I have lived a reasonably comfortable life and been fortunate to have visited many countries. I have however recently returned from a trip to Cambodia.
Cambodia without doubt is the most impoverished country I have visited. It is also however a place full of smiles, hope and opportunism.
I have no doubt there are many countries that are far worse but can only comment on what I have seen.
I have encountered many wonderful people and organisations that are making a huge difference to so many and not merely for profit or exposure.
With this in mind I would like to do my small bit to “make a difference”.
Throughout the year I will be selling images and 50% of the proceeds will go to good causes. It will be split equally between children’s cancer research here in Australia and a number of children’s charities in Cambodia.
Please take a quick look a the images from Cambodia and realise how very lucky we all are.
Lastly thank you for taking the time to read this blog.
“capture the action” “make a difference”
Tom – Total Sports Photography